Leaderboards for Amplify Austin Day 2025
2025 Amplify Austin Day Prizes
Participating Nonprofit Prizes
Amplify Austin Day Grand Prizes
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors of the I Live Here I Give Here Amplify Fund, we are delighted to award the following prizes to eight deserving nonprofits! Winners of the Amplify Austin Day Prizes will receive $3,500 and will be determined immediately after Amplify Austin Day has ended. The timeframe for this prize is 6 pm March 5 - 6 pm March 6.
- Small nonprofit that receives the most dollars on Amplify Austin Day
- Small nonprofit that receives the most donors on Amplify Austin Day
- Medium nonprofit that receives the most dollars on Amplify Austin Day
- Medium nonprofit that receives the most donors on Amplify Austin Day
- Large nonprofit that receives the most dollars on Amplify Austin Day
- Large nonprofit that receives the most donors on Amplify Austin Day
- Extra-Large nonprofit that receives the most dollars on Amplify Austin Day
- Extra-Large nonprofit that receives the most donors on Amplify Austin Day
Early Giving Prizes
The I Live Here I Give Here Amplify Fund provides 4 prizes of $2,500 to nonprofits for high achievement during the early giving period, January 29 - 5:59 pm, March 5.
- Small nonprofit with most dollars raised during early giving
- Medium nonprofit with most dollars raised during early giving
- Large nonprofit with most dollars raised during early giving
- Extra-Large nonprofit with most dollars raised during early giving
Hourly Prizes
Prizes awarded hourly during Amplify Austin Day based on the number of unique donors and amount raised. Nonprofits may only win one hourly prize.
- $1,000 awarded hourly to the nonprofit who receives the most dollars within the hour from 6 pm - midnight on March 5 and 6 am to 10 am March 6.
- $1,000 awarded hourly to the nonprofit who receives the most donors within the hour from 10 am - 6 pm March 6.
First Year Member Prizes
Four prizes will be awarded to nonprofits participating in Amplify Austin Day for the first time.
- $1,000 to the organization with the most dollars raised during Early Giving
- $1,000 to the organization with the most unique donors during Early Giving
- $1,000 to the organization with the most dollars raised during Amplify Austin Day
- $1,000 to the organization with the most unique donors during Amplify Austin Day
100% Board Participation Prize
Four $1,000 prizes, one per each size category, will be awarded to nonprofits who have 100% participation from their board of directors. Please see the rules below for how to enter this prize drawing.
All Volunteer Run Nonprofit Prize
Two $1,000 prizes will be awarded to nonprofits with no paid staff for achieving the following. Nonprofits may only win one of these prizes.
- 1 Prize for most dollars raised between Early Giving through 6 pm on March 6.
- 1 Prize for most donors between Early Giving through 6 pm on March 6.
Nonprofit Prize Rules
- An organization may not win more than one prize in each of the following categories: Amplify Austin Day Grand Prize, Hourly Prize, First Year Prize, or All Volunteer Run Nonprofit Prize.
- The prizes awarded for the number of donors are based on individual persons donating, not the number of donations received.
- Eligibility for the "Extra Large", "Large", "Medium", or "Small" Nonprofit prizes are determined by the Leaderboard Size selected by nonprofit members during registration and verified by I Live Here I Give Here.
- Gifts made during early giving (January 29 - 5:59 pm on March 5) do not count towards hourly prizes or towards Amplify Austin Day Grand Prizes.
- Offline donations must be received by I Live Here I Give Here before Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 1:00 pm to count towards eligible prizes.
- Offline gifts are not eligible for Hourly Prizes, but are considered towards Early Giving Prizes.
- Entry is required to participate in the Board Participation Prize. To be eligible for this prize, nonprofits must do the following:
- Submit their entry form by 6 pm on March 6, 2025. The entry form will require you to submit a full list of your board members and how they will be participating.
- Participation will be verified by I Live Here I Give Here, and organizations who meet the criteria will be entered into a drawing for the $1,000 prize. "100% participation" is defined as all active board members contributing to your Amplify Austin Day campaign in one of the following ways:
- Making a monetary contribution (minimum $5) on AmplifyATX.org or via our offline gift program by 6 pm on March 6, 2025.
- Raising at least $5 as a Fundraising Champion for your campaign by 6 pm on March 6, 2025.
- Because we must verify participation, board members cannot make their donations fully anonymously but can be anonymous to the public.
- Nonprofits must alert I Live Here I Give Here if the list of board members submitted on this form changes between the submission date and March 6 at 6 pm to remain eligible for the prize.
Fundraising Champion Prizes
- Fundraising Champions and Free Agent Fundraisers who raise $500 or more will be entered into a drawing to receive another $100 donation to their cause
- Fundraising Champions with 10 or more unique donors to their campaign will be entered into a drawing to receive another $100 donation to their cause
- Fundraising Champions that raise at least $1,000 will be entered into a drawing to receive 2 ACL Festival passes
- Fundraising Champions with 20 or more unique donors to their campaign will be entered into a drawing to receive 2 ACL Festival passes
Business Fundraiser Awards
I Live Here I Give Here celebrates your success as a Business Fundraiser by providing the following recognition awards:
- First-Time Business Fundraisers: Raffle entry to receive complimentary I Live Here I Give Here Corporate Impact Partnership (Community Builder-level)
- Most Dollars Raised: Amplify Austin Day trophy for the top companies in each size category (small, medium, large, extra large)
- Highest Employee Participation Rate: Amplify Austin Day trophy for the top companies in each size category (small, medium, large, extra large)