Racial Equity

The Racial Equity cause category includes nonprofits that provide vital services and resources to Black, Latino/Hispanic, Indigenous, and People of Color (also known as BIPoC) who are disproportionately affected by race-based violence and discrimination. These organizations work to educate and raise awareness, eliminate systemic racism, and promote equity. Scroll below to see all of the nonprofits in this category.

Having a hard time choosing? You can also make a single donation to the entire category and support all of these organizations here.

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Racial Equity

The Racial Equity cause category includes nonprofits that provide vital services and resources to Black, Latino/Hispanic, Indigenous, and People of Color (also known as BIPoC) who are disproportionately affected by race-based violence and discrimination. These organizations work to educate and raise awareness, eliminate systemic racism, and promote equity. Scroll below to see all of the nonprofits in this category.

Having a hard time choosing? You can also make a single donation to the entire category and support all of these organizations here.

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